Alles wat Jan bezighoudt, interesseert en irriteert... en ook een beetje onzin...

dinsdag, december 31, 2024

The sad truth about metabolism: why nothing works

For those of you who want to be a "new me" starting 2025 I have one word: don't. 

It's not that I don't want you to be happy and healthy and succeed in life and so on, it's just that these "new years resolutions" rarely work to bring real change, but they do bring real disappointment, and I want to spare you that pain.

It always feels good to have a scientific underpinning for a held belief, so let me help you out with this article:

The short version is this: the amount of energy (calories) that you burn is, like IQ, mostly, set in stone. You can burn more calories by doing more exercise but afterwards you'll feel hungry and immediately eat something to get the lost calories back. I am not saying you shouldn't walk or play badminton or whatever, those things are healthy in themselves, but don't help in weight loss.  The only way to lose weight is to eat less calories, AKA, starving yourself. This doesn't work well of course, because, who likes to starve? 

Anyways, big things are coming in 2025. See you around 👍