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zondag, juni 18, 2023

What Would You Ask Them?

In the Watchtower study for this week there is a very interesting and faith strengthening thought experiment.

I know what I would ask David. I would ask him I've he's already spoken with his old buddy-in-arms Uriah and if he had the heart to explain to him how he cheated on him, stole his wife Bathsheba, and had him killed. It takes a great man to be able to confess to such things. 

Anyway, I am perpetually interesting in how well ChatGPT is able to hallucinate, bluff and parrot great ideas that are apparently floating around on the inter webs.

So, I asked ChatGPT the following:

I want you to come up with one or two questions for the following Biblical persons. The context of these questions is that these persons have been dead for two three four or even almost six thousand years, and the context is that they all have just been resurrected back to life here on earth. Can you make up a question about their life and times and experiences? The persons are: Abel (son of Adam, brother of Cain), Abraham (husband of Sarah) or Ur, the Daughter of judge Jefta (we don't even know her name), David (king of Israel), Jonah (the prophet who tried to flee to Spain because he feard the Assyrians).

The answer I think is really good:

Sure! Here are two questions for each of the biblical figures you mentioned:

1. Abel, as the first recorded victim of murder in human history, could you share with us your perspective on the consequences of envy and sibling rivalry? How do you think your tragic experience has influenced human relationships throughout history?
2. In your time on earth, Abel, you offered a sacrifice that was pleasing to God. Could you shed light on the significance of sacrifice and the importance of worship in your era? How do you think these principles apply to modern-day believers?

1. Abraham, you are known as the father of many nations and the epitome of faith. Having witnessed significant historical events and conversed with God, what lessons or advice would you give to humanity today in navigating their relationship with the divine?
2. As a person who left your homeland and embarked on a journey of faith, what were the greatest challenges you faced during your lifetime? And what wisdom would you share with individuals today who find themselves in unfamiliar territories or going through periods of transition?

Daughter of Judge Jephthah:
1. Throughout history, your story has been overshadowed by the circumstances surrounding your father's vow. As the daughter of Judge Jephthah, can you enlighten us about your aspirations, dreams, and the impact your role played in the events of that time? 
2. Your name has been lost to history, yet your courage and obedience have been recognized. Can you share your perspective on the importance of standing up for one's beliefs, even in the face of difficult decisions or uncertain outcomes?

1. King David, your reign was marked by both triumphs and tribulations. Looking back on your life, what were the key principles that guided your leadership? How do you think these principles could inspire leaders in today's world?
2. You were a man of many talents, David, known for your musical and poetic gifts. Can you reflect on the role of art and creativity in worship and expression of faith during your time? How can these artistic forms continue to inspire individuals to connect with the divine in the present day?

1. Jonah, your attempted escape from God's command led to a remarkable journey and an encounter with a great sea creature. How did this transformative experience change your perception of God and your role as a prophet? What message would you convey to individuals who may be struggling with their own sense of purpose or calling?
2. Your mission was to warn the Assyrians of impending judgment, and their repentance spared them from destruction. Looking back, how did this experience shape your understanding of God's mercy and the potential for transformation in the lives of others? What lessons do you believe we can learn from your story in our interactions with those whom we may perceive as adversaries?

Notice how I've misspelled Judge Jephtah but chatGPT still knew to whom I was referring? 

Thanks to the new share function I can now give you a look at the whole conversation, here: