Alles wat Jan bezighoudt, interesseert en irriteert... en ook een beetje onzin...

zondag, april 23, 2023

The Ocellated Tapaculo: An Icon of the Andean Forests

It is amazing that even today there are terrestrial creatures on our planet whose biology is as mysterious to us as the moons of Saturn. For example, we have no idea what their nests look like, let alone their eggs. (In fact, of the 55 species of tapaculos, only for 18 of them is it known what their nest looks like.)

If you have the heart of an explorer and haven't been recruited into the NASA space program, South America may be a promised land for you. In fact, my colleague Tomas Grim and I recently discovered – with a fair amount of luck – the nest of another songbird, the Black-throated Flowerpiercer. A relatively well-known species, but with a nest unknown until recently. But that's another story.