Amidst all the pomp and circumstance was a short, but powerful and sobering speech by Morris Chang, the now-91-years-old founder of TSMC. He shared his dream of building a fab in the US, the hard-earned lessons from TSMC's first time building a fab in America 25 years ago, his perspective that globalization and free trade is almost dead, and why this event is just the "end of the beginning".
It was the only speech that gave a real sense of what America's semiconductor future would reallylook like. Yet no one listened. No American, or any Western media outlet for that matter, bothered to cover this speech. Only Nikkei and a handful of Taiwanese outlets wrote about it. Not even C-Span c
Here are some of my top takeaways from this speech.
Alles wat Jan bezighoudt, interesseert en irriteert... en ook een beetje onzin...