Some stuff of interest I ran into on-line.
- Our society can yet be saved.
We should probably start with our women. Read this article by Lisa Bloom : - And don’t forget about the men. They need help too.
Watch this video on “the demise of guys” : - So you need a new Curriculum Vitae? Take my advise. Insert it once on Linked-In, and use it many times over.
For example with this awesome website :
It makes pretty visual representations of your CV. See this example : - Just a new and funny way of browsing the wild West that is the internet :
- So your cool image-CV made an impression ? Good for you.
Now read this blog posting on how not to spoil a job interview : - I do not know your question, but the answer is Google. Or, why engineers do not ask questions but are browsing all the time. Read here about how to finds the best how-to’s on-line : Engineers love Google.